
Screenshot of CodeSignal Algorithm Showcase
Algorithm Solution Showcase

Michael Hanson's showcase of solutions to algorithm challenge problems (using CodeSignal).

Technologies Include: React, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Screenshot of CSS Battle Solutions
CSS Battle Solutions

Michael Hanson's showcase of solutions to CSS design problems (using CSSBattle).

Technologies Include: Pure HTML/CSS

Screenshot of React Library App
React Library Book Search Application

Full-stack MERN application allows users to search and save books of interest from the Google Books API.

Guest Username: guest
Guest Password: guest

Technologies Include: React Front-End, Google Books API, Node.js Back-End, Passport, React Context API, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Mongoose

Screenshot of Python News App
Python News Application

Python-based application allows an authenticated user to create posts to articles/links and comment/vote on favorites.

Guest Username: guest
Guest Password: guest

Technologies Include: Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Jinja, JavaScript, Bootstrap

Screenshot of Chitter Chatter
Chitter Chatter (In Development)
Team Project - Currently Contributing (Full-Stack)

Recognition and team-based community chat application currently with account and chatroom functionality.

Technologies Include: Node.js, Express, React, React Context API, Mongoose, MongoDB, Passport, Bootstrap, Pusher

Screenshot of Palomo Safety Consulting
Safety Consulting React Site

Sample of Michael Hanson's front-end development and design work with React.

Technologies Include: React, React Router, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React Bootstrap

Screenshot of Idea Dump App
'Idea Dump' AWS Blog Application

Full-stack application stores short blog/image posts by a user.

Technologies Include: Amazon EC2 Instance (Ubuntu/NGINX), DynamoDB, S3 Bucket, Node.js, React, Multer

Screenshot of Aspirations App
React "Aspirations" To-Do Application

Full-stack to-do-like application allows authenticated users to save aspirations and record milestones for each.

Guest Username: sample
Guest Password: sample12

Technologies Include: React Front-End, Node.js Back-End, Passport, React Context API, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Mongoose

Screenshot of React Blog
React Blog Application

Full-stack blog application allows a user to write, save, and read blog posts and mark favorites.

Technologies Include: React Front-End, Node.js Back-End, React Context API, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Mongoose

Screenshot of Employee Database
To-Do List

Allows a user to view, add, delete, and organize to-do items using MySQL.

Technologies Include: MySQL, Node.js, jQuery, Express, Express Handlebars, Bootstrap

Screenshot of Javascript Quiz
JavaScript Quiz Game

Fast-paced quiz game to test user on JavaScript concepts and save high scores.

Technologies Include: Node.js, Express, Express Handlebars, MySQL, Sequelize

Screenshot of Employee Database
Employee Management System

Allows a user to view, edit, add, and delete entries for a company's departments, roles, and employees using MySQL.

Technologies Include: MySQL, Node.js, Inquirer, console.table

Screenshot of React Employee Directory
React Employee Directory

Allows a user to view, sort, and filter employee data based on randomly retrieved data.

Technologies Include: React, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React Bootstrap, Random User Generator API

Screenshot of Workout Tracker
Workout Tracker

Allows a user to add exercises to a workout and track data/progress visually.

Technologies Include: MongoDB, Mongoose, Chart.js, Node.js, Express, Semantic UI

Screenshot of Budget/Expense Tracker
Budget/Expense Tracker

An application, which can be installed as a PWA, that allows a user to enter and view expenses over time.

Technologies Include: MongoDB, IndexedDB, Chart.js, Node.js, Express, Bootstrap

Screenshot of Note Taker
Note Taker

Allows a user to write, save, and edit notes to and from a JSON file.

Technologies Include: Node.js, jQuery, Express, fs, Moment.js, Bootstrap

Screenshot of Good Employee Generator
Employee Generator (CLI Application)

Produces an HTML document with employee data for a company/team.

Technologies Include: Node.js, Inquirer, fs, Jest

Screenshot of Good README Generator
Good README Generator (CLI Application)

Generates strong README.md and LICENSE.txt files for a developer's project.

Technologies Include: Node.js, Inquirer, fs

Screenshot of Day Planner
Day Planner

Tracks past, present, and future time slots and allows user to write and save events.

Technologies Include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Moment.js, Fontawesome

Screenshot of Weather App
Weather Dashboard

Provides current weather and 5-day forecast for local or searched city.

Technologies Include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Openweathermap API, Bootstrap

Screenshot of Hanson Math Games Homepage
Hanson Math Games

Fun math games and tools to build number fluency; Saves and authenticates users and scores.

Guest Username/Password: Hanson

Technologies Include: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Passport, Mongoose, EJS

Screenshot of HealthApp
Team Project

Retrieves local health-oriented businesses and tracks food calorie data.

Technologies Include: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Yelp API, Zomato API, Nutritionix API, Semantic UI

Screenshot of Password Generator
Password Generator

Generates unique random passwords based on selected character types.

Technologies Include: Node.js, JavaScript, Express, Bootstrap, ClipboardJS, Fontawesome

Screenshot of Expense Management System
Expense Management System
Team Project

Allows a user to save, view, edit, and delete subscription information in order to help keep track of recurring expenses.

Guest Email: new@new.com
Guest Password: new

Technologies Include: Node.js, jQuery, MySQL, Sequelize, Express, Passport